The Siddha Yoga Meditation Center in Houston is supported by members of the local community. Donations make it possible for seekers to have a place in the local community where they can engage together in the Siddha Yoga practices and participate with others in Siddha Yoga teaching and learning events.
Multiple or One-time Donations
By committing to offer and making monthly donations to the Siddha Yoga Meditation Center in Houston, you will help provide a consistent level of income that supports our long-term planning.
No amount is too small and every donation makes a difference towards the sustainability of our center.
You are also welcome to make one-time donations at any time, through the means most convenient to you.
How to Make a Donation
Automatic Withdrawal
Setting up automatic withdrawals through your bank is preferred because it is easy and reliable, and there are minimal finance charges to the center.
Recurring Payment
Information about setting up a recurring donation via online banking is also available at the Houston Siddha Yoga Meditation Center in Houston, or you can call the center at (866) 889-4407 to leave a message for our finance coordinator.
In Person
Financial donations may be made by check or cash. Please make your check payable to “Siddha Yoga Dham Affiliate in Houston.” Your contribution may be dropped off at the center during our program hours, at the center’s donation box near the entrance.
By Mail
Make your check payable to “Siddha Yoga Dham Affiliate in Houston”, and please mail the check to: P.O. Box 541991, Houston TX 77254-1991.
You can make a secure online donation with a credit card, through our PayPal account, (a PayPal account is not required for this).
Alternatively, you can also create a recurring ACH monthly pledge through our Pay Simple account, (account set-up is required).